Snoqualmie Falls
Today we had a very short hike at Snoqualmie Falls. This waterfall is approximately 268 feet tall, and it is a half mile hike down to the river from the observation deck. It is steep in some places, and very easy until you get to the bottom. There are signs posted everywhere not to go off the boardwalk to the river's edge, but nobody pays attention. Getting down from the boardwalk with 2 little kids is a little difficult, but they both enjoyed climbing over and around big and small rocks to get close to the river's edge and to the falls themselves. Though not as big and powerful as shown in the picture above since it is midsummer, they were still pretty impressive, and produce a nice cool mist. We ate our lunch at the water's edge and then waded in the river. Rick and Michael did some more serious rock-climbing, and Rick jumped into the river from a pretty tall rock!
The only problem with this hike is that it is downhill on the way there, and uphill on the way back. It was pretty difficult getting the kids back to the car! Link